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PIC Specific RS232 routine

by Tony Nixon

These simple serial routines may help.19200 baud Fosc = 4MHz Receive can be polled or interrupt driven.

; ----------------
; ----------------
TxRoutine       movwf TxSend            ; temp store data to be sent
        bcf PORT,TX             ; do start bit
        call HBDelay5
        call HBDelay2
        movlw 8h                        ; 8 data bits to send
        movwf BCount
TxLoop  rrf TxSend
        btfsc STATUS,C
        goto TxHiBit
        bcf PORT,TX
        goto DoneBit
TxHiBit bsf PORT,TX
        goto $ + 1
DoneBit call HBDelay5           ; wait 1 bit length
        call HBDelay5
        decfsz BCount
        goto TxLoop
        call DoRet
        bsf PORT,TX             ; stop bit
        call HBDelay1
        call HBDelay
DoRet   return

; ---------------
; ---------------
RxRoutine       bcf flag1,data
        btfsc PORT,RX           ; wait for start bit
        call HBDelay2           ; wait 1/2 bit length - 2 cycles
        movlw 9h
        movwf BCount
RxLoop  btfsc PORT,RX           ; start bit is lost during routine
        goto RxHiBit
        bcf STATUS,C            ; receive start bit and 8 data bits
        goto RxLoBit
RxHiBit bsf STATUS,C
RxLoBit rrf RxHold
        call HBDelay4           ; wait 1/2 bit length - 4 cycles
        call HBDelay5           ; wait 1/2 bit length - 5 cycles
        decfsz BCount
        goto RxLoop
        movf RxHold,W
        bsf flag1,data
        return                  ; data returned in W Reg
; --------------
; --------------
HBDelay nop
HBDelay1        nop
HBDelay2        goto $ + 1
HBDelay4        nop
HBDelay5        movlw 0x05
        movwf BitWait
BW      decfsz BitWait
        goto BW



file: /Techref/microchip/12C672-rs232-tn.htm, 3KB, , updated: 2019/6/25 09:49, local time: 2024/6/1 03:09, owner: kosme_lustosa-gmail-,

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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























